Forum Rules
Spam is not allowed.
Spam posts are posts that have little or no relevance to the thread. Members are not allowed to create posts containing spam, devoid of content, or pointless and invaluable text.
As for the General Forums, you may post content (within the other rules' limits) of your choice. However, if the comment is devoid of purpose, it will still be considered spam.
Posts must have 10 characters.
All posts must have at least 10 characters. Using filler text to try to bypass this rule is not allowed. Certain threads, such as any thread in Forum Games, do bypass this rule, however.
Double, or consecutive posting is prohibited.
On all threads but those that allow it, double or consecutive posting is not allowed. Double posting is where there are two or more posts in a row by the same user. If you have an extra thought to add, and you are the latest poster on the thread, edit your post and add in your thought or response.
Although threads on the General Forums do allow double posting, they do not allow more than 3 consecutive posts.
Everyone is to be respectful and respect other users.
Do not insult, discourage, bash, or flame any other users. If someone harasses or insults you, it does not license you to mirror their actions. Do not use offensive language, even if it's not profanity, such as "gay" in a derogatory manor. Do not press upon a user's religious beliefs. If you are having a problem with another user, simply contact a moderator stating the situation.
Inappropriate sexual language is disallowed.
Nowhere are you allowed to use sexual language or any sexual content at all (even those not considered pornography). You must not even make hints regarding Robert, especially to another user. It is disallowed in all forms and in all places. If you are caught, you will instantly be severely and most likely permanently banned.
Swearing and censor bypass is not allowed.
Never in any circumstance are you allowed to swear; going with that, most known profanity is already blocked. Censor bypass, censoring a part of a swear word so that it isn't blocked out but the original word is implied, is also disallowed.
Advertising other forums, websites, blogs etc. is not permitted.
There is no advertising on the forums. Not in posts, status updates, or private messages. None of it's permitted. The only place where advertising is allowed is in your signature. If you join and then send a private message to another user, you can be banned with the thought that you joined the forums just to advertise your own forums or another site, blog, YouTube channel etc. If we find an advertisement, we will delete all statuses, private messages, and posts containing these links.
Theft of content is disallowed.
Posting content that does not belong to you and claiming it as your own is not allowed. If you use something that belongs to someone else, unless they give you permission to use it without credit, you must give as much credit as possible including name and blog/site etc. Links for these purposes are not considered advertising.
Asking for a higher rank than your current rank or entry into closed/off-limits groups is strictly prohibited.
You may not ask to be given a higher ranking status or acceptance into a closed or off-limits group. The only way to gain a higher ranking or entry into an off-limits forum is to earn it the proper way. Any other way will fail and only make life more difficult on your part.
Specifically, asking for moderator or administrator status is worse, which results in faster, longer, and harsher bans.
Pornography must not be submitted anywhere on the forums.
Nowhere on the forums may links to or images of pornography be submitted. This will lead to an immediate, indefinite, everlasting ban, regardless of the user's status, even administrator.
Don't question any bans that we issue or about another member's ban.
Bans to members are kept between the moderator and the member. Unless information is answered by a moderator, you should not ask about it. Don't question bans that we issue to members, and you may not invite friends to rally your ban, which will result in an extended ban for you and a warning/ban (depended on the amount of times the offense is committed) for your friends.
You are not allowed to make an account to make the illusion that you are more than one person.
Known as sock puppetry, you may not use another account to vote on a poll, back up an argument, mislead other members, or evade a ban. This does not prohibit you from having multiple accounts for either you or your family, it is using another account pretending to be someone else (or just not yourself) is what is disallowed.
Evasion of a ban is the worst form of this and will result in the ban time doubled and/or the timer being reset.
Thread tags must be relevant.
Tags are meant to be a system of organizing threads by topic. People who give pointless, irrelevant, or inappropriate tags to threads may face consequences. What is certain is that the tags will be removed. No tags at all are better than tags that don't make sense.
Game Rules
Everyone is to be respectful and respect other users.
Do not insult, discourage, bash, or flame any other users. If someone harasses or insults you, it does not license you to mirror their actions. Do not use offensive language, even if it isn't profanity. Do not press upon a user's religious beliefs. If you are having a problem with another user, simply contact a moderator stating the situation.
Inappropriate sexual language is forbidden.
Nowhere are you allowed to use sexual language or send sexually inappropriate messages. It is disallowed in all forms and in all places. If you are caught, you will instantly be severely and most likely permanently banned.
Swearing and censor bypass is not allowed.
Never in any circumstance are you allowed to swear; going with that, most known profanity is already blocked. Censor bypass, censoring a part of a swear word so that it isn't blocked out but the original word is implied, is also disallowed.
Asking for a higher rank than your current rank or entry into closed/off-limits groups is strictly prohibited.
You may not ask to be given a higher ranking status or acceptance into a closed or off-limits group. The only way to gain a higher ranking or entry into an off-limits forum is to earn it the proper way. Any other way will fail and only make life more difficult on your part.
Specifically, asking for moderator or administrator status is worse, which results in faster, longer, and harsher bans.
Don't question any bans that we issue or about another member's ban.
Bans to members are kept between the moderator and the member. Unless information is answered by a moderator, you should not ask about it. Don't question bans that we issue to members, and you may not invite friends to rally your ban, which will result in an extended ban for you and a warning/ban (depended on the amount of times the offense is committed) for your friends.
Hacking and using cheating programs is not allowed.
You may not use programs to give yourself items, coins, or otherwise give yourself an unfair advantage against other players.
Blog Rules
Spamming in the comments is not allowed.
Spam comments are comments that have little or no relevance to the post. Users are not allowed to create comments containing spam, devoid of content, or pointless and invaluable text.
Everyone is to be respectful and respect other users.
Do not insult, discourage, bash, or flame any other users. If someone harasses or insults you, it does not license you to mirror their actions. Do not use offensive language, even if it's not profanity, such as "gay" in a derogatory manor. Do not press upon a user's religious beliefs. If you are having a problem with another user, simply contact a moderator stating the situation.
Inappropriate sexual language is disallowed.
Nowhere are you allowed to use sexual language or any sexual content at all (even those not considered pornography). You must not even make hints regarding Billy, especially to another user. It is disallowed in all forms and in all places. If you are caught, you will instantly be severely and most likely permanently banned.
Swearing anywhere is not allowed.
Never in any circumstance are you allowed to swear, not in your comments, name, or avatar.
Advertising other forums, websites, blogs etc. is not permitted.
There is no advertising in the comments. If we find an advertisement, we will delete all comments containing these links.
Theft of content is disallowed.
Posting content that does not belong to you and claiming it as your own is not allowed. If you use something that belongs to someone else, unless they give you permission to use it without credit, you must give as much credit as possible including name and blog/site etc. Links for these purposes are not considered advertising.
Pornography must not be submitted anywhere on the blog.
Nowhere on the blog may links to or images of pornography be submitted. This will lead to an immediate, indefinite, everlasting ban, regardless of the user's status, even administrator.
Don't question any bans that we issue or about another member's ban.
Bans to members are kept between the moderator and the member. Unless information is answered by a moderator, you should not ask about it. Don't question bans that we issue to members, and you may not invite friends to rally your ban, which will result in an extended ban for you and a warning/ban (depended on the amount of times the offense is committed) for your friends.